
主题:【原创】近代自然科学禀性探讨(一) -- witten1

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家园 逻辑理性的“分析”:“格物”得法,“致知”系统

this is a very good series, like your other series, thanks.

经济学金融学"效用"的理性基础, how did 量子力学大师诺伊曼 manage to do that?

he used almost the same methodology:希爾伯特空間泛函分析/能量谱分析 for the invisible 量子"非熱"運動, without going into details.

"总之, 没有理性基础、无相互作用、不受影响、无因果关联、不可重复、无法检验、不可量度的的事物不属于自然科学范畴,而属于文学、艺术和宗教…等范畴。比如问: 如来佛头上有多少根头发?孙悟空体重是多少?无法观测;“糊里又糊涂的”爱情、音乐灵感、作曲家的激情,不可度量;"

爱情, 激情, 经济学金融学"效用"的"理性基础": they all need 能量, and they all have some kind of "收斂"能量谱, with which we could perform "度规"分析/数学分析/统计分析 etc, if nothing else;

I wrote here before about "nflx" modern physics assisted model to analyze their viewers "效用" for things like 爱情, and then make "stories" and produce tv series;

already, "零售业的发展将越来越注重用户体验。传统企业靠包装、广告和忽悠能力抢占市场的手法越来越行不通了。消费者越来越精,知道什么货好,而且价格高就暂时不买,连三星这样的企业都会因为GALAXY S4 销路不畅而被消费者逼疯" , we all know how steve jobs managed aapl;

用户体验=more and more global mobile internet social network based model of combination of 用户 feedback, brainwashing,忽悠, etc, ending up like a stock market collectively formulated pricing process: it is a black box, and it is not a black box if you can model it;

possibly in future: facebook etc does design,“格物” with its 致知”系统, and 三星 etc manufactures product in china, and everybody else just buy and consume, with income earned in service sectors?

and nflx fakes internet 爱情 for those service sector workers in the evening to come home to cry for, what else to do? there is no war nor revolution, anywhere, in the foreseeable future.

and 社会科学's all kinds of 神职人员 will be more and more replaced by/or paid much less due to the mass arrival of various modern physics/math 理性基础 based/ still 社会科学 but much more 用户体验 based/真理 producing models/robots, except perhaps china: "宇宙真理支部建在連上"世界工厂 can't be replaced by no other country in this world, and china is catching up with us/Europe in many areas anyway, progressing, not collapsing.

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