
主题:【原创】写给沉默的大多数-朱令案 -- 西行的风

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和Scott Peterson案件的类比,还是缺失很多环


1.But that Peterson had told Frey that he'd "lost" his wife and that he would be spending his first Christmas without his wife — 14 days before Laci disappeared.

也就是说嫌疑人在妻子失踪前就露出口风说他要失去妻子了。 有第三方证人。

2.His hair and goatee had been dyed blond. Although he claimed the lighter hair color was the result of chlorine from swimming in a friend's pool, the pool's owner later testified that, to his knowledge, Peterson had never swam in his pool nor made use of his hot tub.

他关于头发颜色变化是游泳池中的氯气导致的被证明为撒谎。 有第三方证人。

4. The only piece of forensic evidence identified was a single hair, thought to have been Laci's, found in a pair of pliers from Peterson's boat.

唯一的物证是在嫌疑人的船上发现的被害人头发。 明确的物证

5. He added two pornographic television channels to his cable service only days after his wife's disappearance; the prosecution suggested that this meant Peterson knew his wife would not be returning home. He expressed interest in selling the house he had shared with his wife, and he sold Laci's Land Rover.

嫌疑人在妻子失踪后马上购买了两个色情频道。 试图卖掉房子,并卖掉了妻子的车。

6 The prosecution presented Scott Peterson's affair with Amber Frey and money as a motive for the murder. Prosecutors surmised that Peterson killed his pregnant wife due to increasing debt and a desire to be single again.



1 被大众认定的嫌疑人撒谎了,或者说了不适当的话。 被大众认定的嫌疑人有没有被认定在一些关键的环节上有明显的撒谎?

2 有特别的,奇怪的行为。当然你认为太淡定本身很奇怪。 不过一个大学生在杀人之后因该有一些更明显的反常行为吧?

3 明确的动机。 嫉妒当然可以是动机,但是显然它比债务压力这类动据更需要住够的证据支持。

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