
主题:【原创】围绕脑科学而发生的若干玄想 -- 鸿乾

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家园 引力emerges, ants adapts, 智力,

briefly read through, a good paper, thx;

1. physics part

引力, everywhere, as we interact with each other, and the more we move, the more we contribute to 引力場 from our 自能場 we create as we move, and the stronger 引力場 make us move even more, a full interaction type of evil, non-linear, 无穷大 stuff, kind of challenging issues for GR's gravity quantization, how can you quantize something non-linear?

if someday we have a breakthrough in gravity quantization, everybody will double their life spans from 30k day to 60k day, so far, I think we die, because our brain can't handle gravity in today's social 引力場;

but physically, we actually live in less troubling 重力場 and our brain often mixes up social 引力場 with the physical 重力場, too simple, too nave?

but physics wise, ants, and pretty much all of physical agents do survive and 繁荣昌盛 in such a "junior" and pretty much earth based 引力場 and newton physics has already figured out that one already, and overall, we are still in a kind of 穩定場, 波動 from non equilibrium to equilibrium, or basically around equilibrium as the ultimate great 系综统计 partition function interact/feed back with environment, with its 么正性,因果关系, 逻辑链条 updated and surviving even a black hole, so what is all the fuss about fishing island?

the fuss might be about the related folks making noise and getting the "grants" more likely, and to keep social 引力場 going

the so-called open system or non-equilibrium system in the paper are not really "open" and "non-equilibrium" so to speak, they are defined as such only relative to their examples.

and with a border defined system as they quoted in a few examples, physics part is nothing really new;

once 邊界條件, 初始條件 are given, physicists are king, out of those 邊界條件 初始條件, god is king, and the trouble with social 引力場, those 邊界條件 初始條件 changes, all the time

2.智力 part

physical agents surviving in the above systems, collects and analyzes information, adapts to the emerging entropy force in the systems, and then they coded a software to test those agents' behaviors out, stat, then you have a paper, not "new" stuff in terms of physics, but a good one in terms of physics/AI


for a system to survive: it has to use 最小作用量, with 最大范围( to get information, often "最大體積" in 洛伦兹流形) 积分, kind of like the plant's animal behavior you guys discussed, and we could call that as plant's 最小作用量原理 or plant's AI, and from plant's AI to 費曼路徑積分, etc


Feynman's Ants - MathPages


According to Feynman, the second ant follows the first path, but sometimes .... The lowest-order approximation of the probability of State 5 is given by the integral ...

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