
主题:【原创】为什么汉语是世界上最先进的语言(上) -- 冷酷的哲学

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家园 語言=脑熱振盪時所輻射的出某特征值的正整數倍的能量

1. planck blackbody radiation

黑體輻射:黑體內粒子因為溫度而發生熱振盪時所產生的輻射波,振盪子, 輻射出的能量=某特征值的正整數倍

so, for most of us Chinese brains:

we have been brain washed by our Chinese culture at least 6K years, around some kind of system's "特征值":

we basically think and speak in terms of those "特征值": basically what those Chinese elite taught us in those 6k years, until about a hundred years ago, when 歐美特征值 breaks and gets inside the great china wall, starting 輻射 Chinese people brains;

of last 100 years, tg as a group has learned the best about what has changed and what has not changed, and all the tricks, making "good" shoes for the Chinese people, and most Chinese people are some kind of "ok" with tg, I think


with future qm computing power emerges out, goog/fb may actually be able to "see and model" everybody's mind,real time, to a certain degree;

and a goog glass connected to the cloud of the above model and data, mass marketed and mass produced, available and affordable for everybody to play class struggle game....

that may be a real challenge to any non-western political power such as tg, the 2nd breaking down of the great china wall, with global AI network powered and updated 歐美特征值 輻射 wave?

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