
主题:从个人经历谈下朱相 -- 五福

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合法利益,he or she deserves to be 告上法庭. American law also protects my right to protect my property, with gun if necessary, against intentional violation of my property right.

伸张自己的合法权利,nothing more, nothing less. 一个和谐社会里,正常人在别人没有侵犯自己权益时,没有人格侮辱时,忙着过自己的快乐小日子,吃饱了撑才拿着gun到处去害人。

另外,给国内的小资们提个醒:美国好几个州当地人持枪而行是常有的,也是red neck 很多的地方。Arizona is one。 Texas is too。 It is legal for Texans to put one pistol in his driving car。

另外决斗在英美历史是有历史传统的,而且是上层中流行的许久,100多年前才慢慢立法根除的。美国Founding fathers 中就有人是死于决斗的。有的决斗的理由不过是某人说了几句某人的坏话,called Libel... Just google "libel, duel". You will see many eye-opening examples. 真正了解美国人的话,你就知道这些人身上有一股子野性, 所以政府做事都要小心,不能自己违反自己的法律或肆意胡来。


--Go and live there for a while。Go and read America's law. It is there. Remember certain rights are protected by the Constitution. 历史上, 美国人为社么反抗英国人,拿起枪搞独立? 不过就是因为英国佬多收了一点点税而已。另外没在westminster parliament给yankee 多留了几个代表议席而已。轮到中国的百姓,真不是社么屁大的事。。。


2)Parliament 那是路人皆知的养老院与橡皮图章。代不代表我也值得武装反叛/起义????

Chinese chose to silence themselves. Americans chose to take up guns to solve it in their own way. 所以百年来,no representation, no taxation, 作为一个金科玉律,深入人心,早已是英语国家的common sense. How many Chinese know that??????


(1)结果就是精英们永远不知道停歇,剥了八层皮后,贪心大起,再剥第九层,第十层,甚至于连PI Ming 的子孙后代都算上了。(e.g.,老蒋even collected all taxes into late 1950s, IN late 1940s).

(2)结果是PI Ming终于暴走了,然后是明末大暴动,清末大起义,暴民与精英 无区别的彼此血腥对屠, 无论其中有好人也有坏人。然后民国上台了,新的精英 repeat (1), PI Ming 一再容忍,最后再次repeat (2)。


therefore, I strongly supported 邓玉骄 and 启东人的反抗。


中国人终于有人在被剥到第九层皮时反抗了。以后要学会在被剥到第6,7层时就反抗,更高级的是迫使精英们去剥外国人的皮--just as America is doing now. But I do doubt whether my grand-grand-son will ever see it.


--nowhere is easy. Everyone needs to compete to survive and excel in this country. There is no free lunch in America, AND THERE SHOULD NOT BE. No taxpayer's free money to feed you. It is not China--esp., not Beijing.

--There is one easy-life place in the world called "heaven". It is the place where people go after they pass away.


--I do not care. What I know is I enjoy very much living here. What I know is 贵国的政界精英,商界精英是很喜欢这里的。At least they do not have to worry about extortion from low or middle-level gov. officials against their wealth.

what you need to do here is to pay your fair share of tax burden--pay your tax, and comply with laws. NO MORE, NO LESS.

If somebody infringes on your property and rights, take up the guns and fight back. Just be a MAN in this country.


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