
主题:英语词汇讨论 -- 打铁的

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今天刚刚碰到一个词,endow, 这个词我一直知道和donate有少许不同,但是也没深究过。今天仔细查了查,发现还是很有讲究的,汗。。。发现自己其实可能一直没理解endow 的真正含义。

我先给出两个词在longman的释义,当然endow 的意思比较多,但是我就列出和donate 最相关的那项了。

donate:to give something, especially money, to a person or an organization in order to help them

endow:to give a college, hospital etc a large sum of money that provides it with an income

在剑桥词典中 endow: to give a large amount of money to pay for creating a college or hospital, etc. or to provide an income for it

endow 的含义似乎没有合适的中文词来解释。donate 很直接,就是捐赠。但是endow 根据剑桥的解释,可以是捐赠一笔财产来设立一个机构。例句:This hospital was endowed by the citizens of Strasbourg in the 16th century.

另外就是提供一笔财产(钱或物)来让某机构运作(如学校、教会、医院等) - 一般是设立基金的形式 - 以提供长期收入。关于这个解释,没找到太合适的例句,

endow 可作为“赋予”,可能最著名的例句就是

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

还有一个词这两年网络上很流行,装B。这个也很难用英语表达,国人幽默地发明了zhuangbility 或drunbility这个词,创造力十足。不过就英语本身来说,个人觉得最相符的是 pretentious 这个词。


关键词(Tags): #英语 词汇 装B


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