
主题:【原创】海伍德之死--重庆事件第二季 -- 王思之

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家园 海伍德的父亲在2004年喝酒之后心脏病突发死了


He was not a heavy drinker, but was a chain smoker. His father, Peter, died of a heart attack after drinks over dinner at his London home in 2004 at age 63, according to family members.[11]



Mrs Heywood herself said on Thursday that she believed her son had died from natural causes until she was contacted by the media.

The 73 year-old said that some of the claims made about the case had been “outrageous lies” and went on: “The real story is in China not here, we don't know anything here.”

But Mrs Heywood, who lives in a house in Streatham, south London, that her son bought in 2000, said the family was now coping "really well" after they got over the initial shock.

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