
主题:猪八戒别妄想娶林志玲 -- Irene王

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An average capital-eligible case in which the death sentence was not sought costs Maryland taxpayers more than $1.1 million over the life of the case - $870,000 in prison costs and $250,000 in adjudication costs.

§ An average capital-eligible case with a death notice costs the taxpayers of Maryland about $1.8 million. In other words, each case with a death notice filing costs $670,000 more than a no-death-notice case. Current and forecasted prison costs are about the same ($950,000 per case), but adjudication costs are more than three times greater ($850,000 per case) than in no-death-notice cases.

§ A capital-eligible case that results in a death sentence adds another $1.2 million in costs. The total cost to the taxpayers of Maryland approximately $3 million, more than $1.9 million more per case than a no-death-notice case. Current and forecasted prison costs are higher for death sentence cases ($1.3 million) than no-death-notice cases, and adjudication costs total $1.7 million.


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