
主题:请中国政府对萨米人的悲惨遭遇表示关注 -- Emyn

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家园 是奉旨放风还是别有用心?“温在为治愈大前门创伤打基础”

今天看到《金融时报》一篇标题很抓眼球的文章Wen lays ground for Tiananmen healing


According to people close to top-level internal party discussions, Mr Wen was tentatively laying the foundation for a move that would blow apart the established order in China and kick-start the political reform he has agitated for in recent years.

That move would be the rehabilitation and re-evaluation of the 1989 Tiananmen Square student protests and the massacre that followed on June 4, when party elders ordered the People’s Liberation Army to open fire on unarmed demonstrators.


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