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主题:BMO的房贷按揭利率 -- 菜馆编辑部
1. campaign talk can not be trusted. Rommney is famous for flip-flopping.
2. when you really sit on the chair of the president, you have to change your mind and be really responsible for the whole country. Bush Senior promised no more tax in presidential campaign, but in the 1989 Tax Code, he still raised tax rate to fix the dire fiscal situation of America. That change of heart costed his reelection, but he did do the right thing for America.
BTW, U.S. tax codes has too many deduction/credit loopholes. The gov. can keep low rate, but still raise revenue through getting rid of those loopholes.
U.S. corporate income tax is already the highest among OECD nations. US gov. need to lower rate and work hard to crack abusive tax shelters now.
3. Romney is first Bain Capital consulting partner before switching to the PE business. PE business is not simply the buy low and sell high model as you see after 2004. Traditional PE business demands lots of managerial improvement as well as expertise on tax, law and industry knowledge.
I had friends working for both McKinsey and Bain. I know those are really smart people with rich experience. Of course, if their talents are used in the wrong place, those are big trouble makers.
4.*Romney is an insider of the finance industry. All insiders know that a USD crisis is looming in the background now due to the quickly increasing national debt.
At certain point, global investors will dump dollars and flow into foreign capital market if American keeps on doing what it is doing now. I put that time around 2015-2016. As soon as the European crisis is TRULY over. We should worry about the next USD crisis. I show you the accumulated federal gov. deficit at each year end:
2001: 3.2t
2008: 5.3t
2012(included new budget info): 10.2t
You can see how fast debt has accumulated in America in the last 4 years under Obama. It is almost 1.2 every year. Of course, 2009-2010 is not Obama's fault, but he pretty much spent money like Bush, another drunk fool and shows little sense of responsibility.
Right now, only Chinese, Fed and U.S. social security fund are buying the new U.S. federal debt.
Finance insiders know if USD loses its global reserve currency status, then all game over. AMERICA WILL LOSE LOTS OF PRIVILEDGE, THERE WILL BE MASSIVE CAPITAL OUTFLOW, MASSIVE INFLATION, SOCIAL UPROAR. America will degrade itself into a 2nd tier regional power.
UK lost that priviledge once in 1950s/1960s. It ended up with 2 decades of decline and high inflation.
而且这老兄开始摆出对移民和少数种族一副势不两立的架势,作为GOP候选人,做个强硬样子没什么,但拿出要完全否决Dream Act的劲头,我开始怀疑他是不是有点不懂国事了。--capitalists need talents to earn profit for them. They will not kick out those smart software engineers in California. Capitalists are least discriminatory people because they care about profit only.
Let me tell you the dirty tricks by Obama against Asians, okay? In 2009, Obama needed to polish the unemployment rate. He noticed that if non-green card holders are lay-offed, they would not be kept in the statistics as "unemployed and actively looking for job". So his staff pushed all Wall Street firms to lay off FOREIGNERS FIRST, no matter whatever their level, skill, merits. Lots of innocent competent people lost their jobs and some incompetent Americans stayed just because they are citizens with voting power.
It is totally against the principle of meritcracy in America.
Bank of America even recalled their offers WITHOUT DUE EXCUSE AND COMPENSATION to international students in 2009 and gave those offers to American citizens or greencard holders.
Wake up to see the dirty side of Obama. 08 enjoys 玩阴的, he usually did exactly the opposite of what he said. China has learned a lesson from his foreign policy in Asia against China.
Chairman Mao used to say that he enjoyed dealing with Republicans more than the Democrats, because Democrats often appear righteous with dirty tricks on the back. Please refer to Ben's posts on JFK on this forum.
然后他最得意的turn around的杰作:Massachusetts, 但靠的是其中一点就是:猛砍地方政府的财政和教育支出。他是把州的财政赤字减少了,结果就是local county 和 地方政府大幅增加property tax,然后州大学学费在他当政的时候,四年涨了63%,这个速度和江爷爷的教育扩展后的学费狂涨有一拼了。
--another option is to let your gov. hijacked by those highly-paid gov. staff unions like in Wisconsin. Then you enjoyed a Greek-style gov. bankruptcy and EVERYONE LOSES in the end.
Be careful in what you wish.
Property tax is against imposed against rich people and middle-class since it is imposed on WEALTH, not income. I think the gov. did the right thing, because RICH PEOPLE SHOULD contribute more to the gov.
Of course, Romney can increase sales tax--but that's going to hurt poor people, since sales tax is a REGRESSIVE tax.
再一看08这三年,只干成了三件大事:Bailout华尔街,全民医保,伊拉克撤兵。平均一年一件。但这些大事,甚至包括其他小打小闹的小事(mortgage refinance,失业救济金延长啦),对美国大多数中产阶级的生活来说,真是屁用都没有。Mr.Change, 结果有有钱更有钱,嘛change都没有。
--Bailout华尔街--total disaster. He was fooled by his staff. Nothing changed at Wall Street. He was too stupid compared with FDR. FDR changed the whole finance industry with solid regulation, he achieved nothing bECAUSE HE DOES NOT UNDERSTAND HOW TO REGULATE FINANCE INDUSTRY AT ALL.
--he did achieve something on medicare reform. Good job.
--his votes do not come from middle class. His policies benefit mostly the low-income group (e.g., refuse to cut on social welfare outlay) and super rich people (whom he could not touch because his staff protect rich men).
Middle-class is his taxation source. If your household income is above 250k, then you are favorite victim of Obama. Rich and superrich have little EARNINGS INCOME, they mostly have capital gains, which is very favorably taxed.
BTW, modern-day favorable tax treatments (e.g., long-term vs. short-term, low rates on all gains) were first introduced into the tax code by Bill Clinton in the 1998 IRS Restructuring and Reform Act. haha.
因为不管是不是为了选举,这个insourcing是不管DEM还是GOP里,真正的第一个对美国骨子上的change。尽管Mr Change 以前食言,但现在改也行,毛主席他老人家教导过:犯了错误不要紧,改了就是好同志嘛。
--*没有实际工作经验的人,不会有能力 achieve anything. He needs to fight his staff and civil servants first. Those are two tricky groups already.
- 相关回复 上下关系8
🙂乌有是个很cheap的地方 forger 字316 2012-04-10 19:24:11
🙂on BMO 12 parishg 字1369 2012-03-10 23:08:12
🙂这次不敢苟同二位了 12 rfid9968 字1523 2012-03-12 23:59:23
🙂as to Romney
🙂是Wisconsin 1 uwbadger 字34 2012-03-15 13:09:05
🙂thanks. correction is done. parishg 字0 2012-03-15 13:12:11
🙂老兄的意思是,欧洲的危机会完全过去? 金口玉言 字36 2012-03-14 06:15:32
🙂no, it will break out parishg 字180 2012-03-14 11:51:05