
主题:湖南景点翻译求教 -- chinyichen

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Huangshi Village, located in Wulingyuan National Park, Zhangjiajie City, is one of the five national best tourist routes.


It has been said that the spectacle here is miraculous and fantastic wherever you see. Each rock peak here is an ancient work of art. With the appearance of sword, needle, Chinese dragon and turtle’s head, they neighbors to each other as the numerous skyscrapers in a modern metropolis.

黄石寨海拔1200米,占地面积250亩,为张家界森林公园最大、 最集中的观景台,主要观景点有20余处,故有“不上黄石寨,枉到张家界”之说。有南北两条步行登寨游道,还有后山车道自老磨湾通通寨后卡门,系砂石路面;从南面登寨,沿途有天书宝匣、定海神针、南天门、南天一柱、摘星台、天桥遗墩、六奇阁等绝佳景点。

With the altitude of 1,200 meter, the 250 acre Huangshi Village is the largest and most intensive spectacle viewing one of the 20 sight-seeing platforms in Zhangjiajie National Forest Park. This is why it has been said that it is no avail of your trip to Zhangjiajie, unless you come to the summit of Huangshi Village. There are north and south routes for hiking up to this village, and also a driveway from Laomo Bay to the back gate which is gravel surface for trucks. Along the south route there are many graceful and magnificent scenes, such as Treasure Case of Heavenly Books, the Magic Sea-suppressing Needle, Southern Gate to Heaven, the Southern Pillar of Heaven, Star Picking Pillar, the Ruin Pier of Heaven Bridge, the Six Mysteries Pavilion and so on.

关键词(Tags): #黄石寨 介绍 翻译


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