
主题:我写的关于铁问题的research paper,请大家批评指正 -- 鸭绿江

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家园 对不起,忘了写Bibliography了


Morris, Ian. “Circulation, Deposition and the Formation of the Greek Iron Age.” Man, New Series, 24, no. 3 (September 1989): 503-515.

Needham, Joseph. The Development of Iron and Steel Technology in China, Cambridge: The Newcomen Society, 1964.

Phillips, George Brinton. “The Antiquity of the Use of Iron.” American Anthropologist, New Series, 26, no. 2 (April ?C June 1924): 177.

Read, Thomas T. “Chinese Iron-A Puzzle.” Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies, 2, no.3/4 (December 1937): 399-403.

Read, Thomas T. “The Early Casting of Iron: A Stage in Iron Age Civilization.” Geography Review, 24, no. 4 (October 1934): 544-552.

Rickard, T. A. “The Primitive Smelting of Iron.” American Journal of Archaeology, 43, no. 1 (January ?C March 1939): 85-88.

Richardson, Harry Craig. “Iron, Prehistoric and Ancient.” American Journal of Archaeology, 38, no. 4 (October - December 1934): 555.

Rostokcr W., et al. “Casting Farm Implements, Comparable Tools and Hardware in Ancient China.” World Archaeology, 15, no. 2 (October 1983): 196.

Wagner, Donald B. “The Earliest Use of Iron in China.” <http://www.stuff.hum.ku.dk/dbwagner/EARFE/EARFE.html>. 1999

这里的主要材料还是Wagner, Donald B.哥们儿的,(他的观点是中国铁器大约在公元前二百年左右)先前的几个只是凑数的,没办法,比起有些人(当然是那些两眼只盯着外国资料的HJ)不知道从那里信手找来的资料要强一些(最可恶的是鲁日尼科夫的,那个22页的文章中居然就把一个期刊号放上去,我知道是哪年哪月的?)我的资料可信度还是要高一些的,


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