
主题:【原创】闲话82:美国黄巾军(1) -- 井底望天

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去找了下这个新闻,原来是VOA的,而且我记错了,是国际留学生共支出19 billion dollars,汗错的够离谱的

The Obama administration wants to double the number of Indonesians studying in the United States. More than fifty American universities recently attended an education fair in Jakarta. The marketing event was part of a visit by a top American trade official.

The United States is reaching out to fast-growing economies like Indonesia and Vietnam as new markets for American goods and services. International students put an estimated nineteen billion dollars into the American economy last year.

Last June, the Obama administration set a five-year goal to increase university partnerships and student exchanges with Indonesia. The subjects include agriculture, business and information technology. Micro-scholarships will support intensive language training programs for Indonesians, and for more Americans to study in Indonesians.


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