
主题:转自mitbbs,那个被民粉们动辄提起的1935得主背后 -- bxdfhbh

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Carl von Ossietzky也是和平公开政府信息

人家整儿八经的和平主义者,痛心魏玛共和国又走向军事主义。要以一众一战胜利国的舆论和军事压力, 把魏玛共和国重组军队的苗头掐死。 魏玛共和国不虚心接受普世教育,不领情, 还判人家出卖国家机密和叛国罪。 六十年后, 德国最高法院还不肯翻案。 纳粹余毒啊!


According to the case law of the Supreme Court of the German Reich, the illegality of covertly conducted actions did not cancel out the principle of secrecy. According to the opinion of the Supreme Court of the German Reich, every citizen owes his Fatherland a duty of allegiance regarding information, and endeavours towards the enforcement of existing laws may be implemented only through the utilization of responsible domestic state organs, and never by appealing to foreign governments.



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