
主题:【原创】光阴交错的故事:金色阳光 (一) -- redbud

  • 共: 💬 107 🌺 195

以前从来没有看过,因为最近在思考,所以找了一下,现在看来我还是进对了教会,因为这就是我目前对于信仰,教会和圣经的理解,这个宣言应该是我们教会的创始人写的。最奇怪的是,我从很小的时候就会说方言,大约5岁,就是这里所说的baptism by holy spirit了。所以我跟这个教会是有缘分,或者有上帝的带领的。

We believe in

The inspiration of scripture

The need for personal Salvation through faith in Christ

The Baptism in the Holy Spirt with signs following

The need for holiness in the church and in the individual lives of the believers

The gifts of the Holy Spirit as listed in 1 Cor 12: wisdom, knowledge, faith, healing, miracles, prophecy, discerning of spirits, tongues, interpretation

The ministry of deliverance

Our aim: The extension of the Kingdom of God in obedience to His will and direction, and the fulfilment of His purposes in our individual lives.


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