
主题:六扇门那些事儿第三部 53 兼职。 -- 史老柒

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same to many anti-GMOs


Sorry can't type Chinese now.

One thing I probably know:

玉米的美国产量一直接近3亿吨每年,按照美国农业部的说法, 是每人消费25.5磅, 约合11kg, 因为其中包括了鲜玉米,折合干玉米大概8kg,美国全年消费玉米大概在24亿公斤,0.024亿吨, 不到美国年产的1%。 我想知道的是,他们吃的是什么玉米?美国美国现在还有14%的非转基因玉米种植, 转基因这么好, 美国政府如此支持,他们为什么不改?

Corn syrup is used in many, many, many processed food products. And that is the major way for Americans to consume GM corns as direct food - if not counting the meat products coming from livestocks feeding on GM corns.





In 2007 we(US) produced 13 million bushels of corn, exported 2.45 million and consumed 10.5 million. That works out to over 5 lbs of consumption per person per day!


1 bushel of shelled maize (corn) at 15.5% moisture by weight: 56 lb[2] = 25.4012 kg

US exported 20% of the annual product of corn, and consumed the rest 80%.

28.6% of the 80% went to making fuel, and 58.64% of the 80% were feed to livestocks. Then the remaining 12.76% of the 80% (10% of the total 13M bushel) were processed into different forms, and were supplied to the market as direct human food.

Although you may still argue that the 10% used for direct human consumption is less than the 14% of none-GM corn produced, it is a well known and intensively discussed topic that the corn syrups used in food industry are mainly made from GM corns.

You can regard corn syrup as one magic ingredient for the food industry. The other magic ingredient is soybean protein, which, in the US, mainly comes from GM soybeans.

In the US, it is estimated that 75% of processed food (what Americans like most ) contains transgenic ingredients.

Next time when you buy any processed food, including biscuits, candies, fries, burgers, sausages, hams, drinks... basically anything that's not in the animal or plant's original form, check the ingredients for the two magic bullets.

And the 58.64%x80%=47% of the yearly product of corn that fed to livestocks will still end their journey in human stomachs.


In 2009, countries that grew 95% of the global transgenic crops were the United States (46%), Brazil (16%), Argentina (15%), India (6%), Canada (6%), China (3%), Paraguay (2%) and South Africa (2%).[13] The Grocery Manufacturers of America estimate that 75% of all processed foods in the U.S. contain a GM ingredient[28] . In particular, Bt corn, which produces the pesticide within the plant itself, is widely grown, as are soybeans genetically designed to tolerate glyphosate herbicides. These constitute "input-traits" are aimed to financially benefit the producers, have indirect environmental benefits and marginal cost benefits to consumers.

In the US, by 2009/2010, 93% of the planted area of soybeans, 93% of cotton, 86% of corn and 95% of the sugar beet were genetically modified varieties.[11][12]. Genetically modified soybeans carried herbicide-tolerant traits only, but maize and cotton carried both herbicide tolerance and insect protection traits (the latter largely the Bacillus thuringiensis Bt insecticidal protein). In the period 2002 to 2006, there were significant increases in the area planted to Bt protected cotton and maize, and herbicide tolerant maize also increased in sown area.[29]

Of course, what Americans do is not always the best. North American food and the way many north Americans eat, are probably the two worst things you can find in the world.

But talking about China, China is a country with barely enough(?) arable land and a growing, huge population. Organic? 40 years ago, everything in China was organic, but they were just not enough.

For this following question, I think you may consult the [Iron Hand]:

1994年他就创办《新语丝》, 而这些都是要钱和时间的, 方既不是有闲, 又没有钱,这么搞这么多东西?要是他就是喜欢和人分享自己的思想,做一个弄潮儿, DOT COM泡沫的时候他绝对应该趁势而起, 而不是在裹足不前, 痛失良机。


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