
主题:【原创】 关于北朝鲜是否侵略南朝鲜的思考――随便扯扯 -- flyingcatgm

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家园 探讨历史,无非是以鉴明天。


真伪果真如此难辨?是否比较公正的第三方不曾存在?现在节选一段。作者Paul Wingrove ,英国Greenwich U政治系讲师,文中引用电报来自解密苏联秘密档案。

Given that China was to play such a crucial role in the war, it is surprising that these Moscow-Pyongyang interactions were largely hidden from Mao. While some writers suggest that Stalin and Mao may have discussed Korea during the latter's visit to Moscow from December 1949 to January 1950, this was almost certainly not the case. Indeed, in a telegram from Stalin to Shtykov sent in February 1950 Stalin commanded that:

The question he [Kim] wants to discuss with me must be completely confidential. It should not be shared with anyone even in the North Korean leadership, as well as the Chinese comrades.

Although Mao was in Moscow until the signing of the Sino-Soviet Treaty of Friendship on February 14th, 1950, Stalin chose not to talk to him about Korean affairs. Mao did not discover what was afoot until May, following Kim's month-long visit to Moscow in April. On Stalin's suggestion, Kim had travelled to Beijing to see Mao to lay out his plans. While Mao and Kim were in talks Vyshinsky, writing on May 14th, informed Mao that Stalin had already agreed to Kim's 'proposal', and hinted at a role for Beijing:




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