
主题:美国WASP统治的衰落? -- 晨枫

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家园 The major problem

, I believe, is not the status of 儒家 or 法家. As you said, every major power is smart enough to apply different principles for different affairs. BTW, many principles of 儒家 still can be applied today, like 正心齐家平天下.

However, two problems at hand:

1. How to be (more) expansive? Currently we are expanding in SouthEast Asia and Africa and other corners in the world, which is good. But we do not have the military power to back it up, so...it might be good, but not healthy. Many strings have to be touched and many other countries bought, too much effort.

2. How to be more enterprising? By asking this I'm indicating the "spirit" of our people. Enterprising, as I believe, requires the people(or, elites) to be both expansive and disciplined. If we are not expansive, then we are doomed. If we are expansive yet do not have much discpline(too greedy), then we are also doomed. The contraction of British Empire, in my opinion, is much more cunning and significant than its expansion, while China has always been troubled by the so called 周期律. 从历史上看,每一次王朝的交替都带来了可怕的后果,往往是长达几十年乃至数百年的衰败,人民中的精华损失殆尽,更别提可能带来的技术上的流失。

*****Other thoughts*****

About education: Considering the aspiring mood of 读书无用论 in these days, I cannot help wondering what this would do to our children. People are disappointed as they realize that 读书 is not the 敲门金砖 to power anymore. Personally I donot disagree because it has never been, so why be disappointed?

Another matter: Young parents are more and more restricted to their work (higher CPI, salary not good) and study (各种各样的考证可以轻松的让我们消耗到四十岁). Who, then, will take care about our children and their education? It's almost ridiculous to consider marriage if you do not have a "solid" job, which is the reason I won't ponder it in at least 3 years.

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