主题:The taste of war -- pxpxpx
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The taste of war
Getting the taste of war from afar is always easy. And, so often, it could be even enjoyable. Similar to enjoying NBA games through fancy HD TVs instead of getting hands dirty, many can easily get excited and high by tasting war through books or movies without smelling blood and death. The best part of it: the excitement is nothing less than real yet no one has to risk any.
War could be dramatic, glorious, and addictive.
Many people enjoy part of it if not all because war can provide them all the resources ever needed to satisfy their needs that otherwise wouldn't be possibly satisfied.
But war is ugly after all.
In the end, it stays unchanged in terms of costs and will keep that way until the very END.
To the soldiers, war not only means life or death. There are so many possibilities waiting in between. And many of them could be way worse than getting killed.
If lucky, soldiers knew why they were fighting and the war was popular, lives might be the most they could lose. If not, the dare cost might be the just the basis price.
Either way, in most cases, they don’t necessarily have a say regardless the grave danger they always have to face.
Do they deserve sympathy?
Many of them may not need it in that the cause was just. Others may have gone too far and committed war crimes therefore should be facing justice.
But how about the ones stuck in between?
No one knows…
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