
主题:【原创】美国视角1: 中国在朝鲜战争中的角色 -- 爱吃肉的兔子

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【原创】美国视角4: 战俘回忆

接上文: 这个老兵参加过长津湖血战,并在那里被俘。他的部队对于朝鲜和志愿军是有血债的(见下文)。

口述者: James Calvin DeLong。 生于1931年Pennsylvania。驻日美军机枪组组长。朝鲜战争爆发后突击提拔为中士。1950年加入美军第七步兵师31团3营K群机枪组。参加过仁川登陆和长津湖战役,而后被我志愿军俘虏。1953年释放回美。

省略部分概述: Mr. Delong在长津湖地区Hill 1221(注:一个小高地,具体位置大概在长津水库北面)于1950年12月1日企图撤退时被俘。

They put us in a ditch and made us kneel down. I thought they were going to kill us at that point. There might have been 20 or 30 of us in the ditch at that time, and the Chinese stood around us with Thompson submachine guns. They kept us there for about an hour. It was cold so it seemed like an hour anyway. It seemed like an eternity when we were down there with our hands tied behind our back. After a while a Chinaman came running up the road and handed this other one a note. Apparently it was an order. He read it and then they untied our hands, took us out in the road, and started marching us back through. I felt that once we get off the front line, we had a much better chance of surviving. I figured that those guys were like us. We Americans were not always humane when it came to treatment of prisoners of war. We killed prisoners, too. When we pulled out of that one area at Chosin where we had prisoners in the house, we opened the doors and threw white phosphorus in on the prisoners. I didn't personally do it, but I saw others in the 31st Infantry Regiment do it. They didn’t release them. They just threw the white phosphorus on them and burned the house. Don’t ask me why they did it, but they did. I was sure hoping that the Chinese didn’t do that to us when I was taken prisoner. One looks at life a little differently when he is the prisoner.



We got maybe two meals a day if we were lucky. We very seldom ever got what I considered white rice. At Camp 10 we never had any meat of any kind that I can remember. We also didn't have any fruit.


I never became friends with any of my captors, although some of our guards treated us good and we could bum a cigarette from them every once in a while. I was able to do that. We all did it. We had one guard who could speak a little English and he was with us pretty long. He was a Chinaman. He was fairly old. He had been in Chiang Kai-shek's army but then he came over to the Communists. The Chinese had a lot of troops in Korea who had fought for Chiang Kai-shek. They were all seasoned troops with a lot of battle experience. The older ones were kept back with the prisoners. We had one Chinese interpreter named Pam. He was a Harvard graduate. A smart cookie. He was a political commissar. He had more power than a regimental commander in the army. When he spoke, they moved. What he wanted he got. He had a lot of weight. We called him "Lieutenant Pam." He was around us for quite a while.

我没有和任何看守做朋友,尽管有些看守确实对我们不错。我们可以不时从他们那里讨根烟抽。我这么做过。我们每个人都要过。有一个守卫会一些英语,他曾经在蒋介石的军队干过然后投奔加入共产党军队,已经相当老了。他和我们呆了很长一段时间。实际上很多共产党军队的士兵都曾经为蒋介石服务过。他们都是老兵而且富有战斗经验。一些岁数大的就留下来看守我们。还有一个翻译,我们叫他中尉Pam. 他从哈佛毕业,非常聪明,是看守营的政治委员。在看守部队里,他甚至比团长还有权。他命令,人们执行。他能得到任何他想要的。他很胖,和我们在一起待了很久(注:美军的战俘集中营也有翻译,但他们的角色和凶残我不想提了。只能再次感叹志愿军对美军战俘的仁慈)。

We were never punished at Camp 10. They just tried to brainwash us and to interrogate us. If we didn't give them the answers they thought were the right ones, they got a little tough with us, but normally I didn’t have any really bad treatment there. I mean, we might have been hit with a rifle butt or something, but nothing other than that. I don’t consider that bad treatment. I just consider that as part of the routine of being a prisoner--getting hit and being moved around.


Mr. DeLong作为战俘,在1953年被释放,然后回到美国。他于1955年结婚,后来有一个女儿和儿子。

注: 考虑到我方战俘在美军集中营的待遇。我只能说我们太仁慈。Mr. DeLong所属部队用白磷燃烧弹虐杀战俘. 至于没有把直接杀死的,也好不到那里去。记录我方战俘待遇和被强制转移到台湾的报道已经太多。我就不一一转述。



关键词(Tags): #朝鲜战争#战俘通宝推:猪头大将,njyd,zilla,

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