主题:【整理】梅岗城故事发表五十周年 -- 元亨利
- 共: 💬 9
Audrey Hepburn,Breakfast at Tiffany’s, don't these names evoke some emotional stir in your heart? If this is the case, here is a book review in The New York Times that looks back at Holly Golightly, the role in the movie Audrey Hepburn played. Would this role go against the image Ms Audrey Hepburn always portrayed? Now a book is trying to set record straight in that aspect.
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🙂【整理】诺贝尔文学奖得主萨拉马戈去世 元亨利 字1554 2010-06-18 17:59:31
🙂【整理】纽时书评--贝多芬第九交响乐 元亨利 字2114 2010-06-17 18:12:18
🙂【整理】陈查理复出--在CD上 元亨利 字259 2010-06-13 22:03:53
🙂【整理】录此存照:纽时书评链接--赛珍珠及其《大地》 元亨利 字269 2010-06-12 20:07:40