
主题:女真的汉化道路与大金帝国的覆亡 -- 欧麦嘉

  • 共: 💬 13 🌺 171

北京大学中国古代史研究中心 刘浦江




Sinicization of Jurchen and the Fall of Great Jin Empire

Liu Pujiang


Domestic and international scholars have held different views on the extent to which the Jurchen changed their social and cultural characters towards the Han Chinese. The present paper illuminates that Jin was a typical dynasty of the northern nationality assimilating itself to the Han culture. The main factors that determine Jurchen’s sinicization are reflected in several aspects, such as gaining access to agricultural livelihoods, a big amount of Jurchen migrating in Han areas, adopting the Han political system as unified, and establishing its governmental authorities among the Han people.

In the middle of the Jin Dynasty, Emperors Shizong and Zhangzong called for a campaign of the Jurchen cultural rejuvenation, in order to stop the sinicization and retain the Jurchen cultural tradition. But they failed and had eventually to give up the resistance of the Han culture.

In the early Mongol-Yuan Dynasty, some people construed the reason for the fall of the Jin Dynastry as the influence of Confucianism (“金以儒亡”). This paper understands the reasons as follows: 1) Jurchen’s sinicization changed its plain cultural tradition, and nourished a kind of lazy, sluggish, and extravagant life styles; such a common practice ultimately made it declined. 2) Jurchen’s sinicization totally corroded its traditional agile and valiant spirit, and that led the dynasty which once was very strong and powerful to failure under the Mongolian offensive.


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