
主题:【原创】日益枯竭的煤炭资源,走向深渊的中国经济 -- hwd99

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煤 炭 平 衡 表 单位:万吨

项 目 1990 1995 2000 2002 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

可供量 102221 133462 128297 214462 235781 251377

生产量 107988 136073 129921 138000 220473 237300 252597 279300 305000

进口量 200.3 163.5 217.88 2617.1 3810.5 5101.6

出口量 1729 2861.7 5506.5 7172.4 6327.3 5318.7

库存变化 -4239 86.8 3664.7 -1455 997.87 -1004

消费量 105523 137677 132000 216722 239216 258641 274000 302000

根据美国能源部资料(地址:http://www.eia.doe.gov/oiaf/ieo/coal.html),中国煤炭可采储量(Total recoverable reserves)为1300亿吨,世界总量为9290亿吨。中国近年来煤炭生产增长迅速,2002年生产13.8亿吨,2009年生产30.5亿 吨。以这个增长速度(每年增加12%),只需要15年,到2024年就采光所有可采煤炭。即使我们增加到日本人均能源消耗水平,也就是在现有基础上增加一倍后不再增加(这里还要求其他一次能源同步增加一倍),到2031年就用光所有可采煤炭。即使我们不在增加煤炭消耗,保持现有年开采量30亿吨水平,现有煤炭可采储量也就能维持到2052年。

按照国内提供的煤炭储量数字,其结果也大同小异:“在2004年8月召开的全国大型煤炭基地建设座谈会上,对于中国煤炭资源储量的说法,各有关部门提供的会议材料各不相同。国家煤矿安全监察局提供的数字 说:“煤炭资源已探明储量为1145亿吨”;国土资源部的数字是“已探明可利用储量1892亿吨”;国有资产管理委员会的材料则引用了中国煤炭地质总局的数字:“中国煤炭地质总局累计探明可供建井的精查储量2000多亿吨,占全国已探明精查储量的90%以上”,由此可推算出“全国已探明精查储量”为 2200亿吨左右。而对于另一最为关键的数字--“还剩多少”,多数文件没有提及,只有国家煤矿安全监察局说“现有剩余可采储量是660亿吨”。”

来源 http://www.hunancoal.gov.cn/xinwzx/ShowArticle.asp?ArticleID=269

这里需要注意的是,探明储量不等于可采储量,可采储量不等于能开采得到的煤炭量,也不等于经济上可开采储量。我国1995 年生产煤炭13.6亿吨,煤炭资源的可采储量损失就高达 20亿t,这里应该指消耗33.6亿吨可采储量,生产13.6亿吨煤炭,该文同时指出,目前全国矿产资源平均总回收率只有 30%~50%,不仅比发达国家低 10%~20%,也低于国内 60 年代水平,参见:张雷,我国可持续发展的矿产资源基础,自然资源学报, 1998(2), http://www.gzcoal.gov.cn/pages/Page_Info.aspx?News_Id=19101。从以上分析来看,我们煤炭使用年限还会进一步缩短。随着煤炭资源减少,煤炭价格也急剧增加,2009年煤炭价格上涨94%。








World Coal Reserves

Total recoverable reserves of coal around the world are estimated at 929 billion tons—reflecting a current reserves-to-production ratio of 137 (Table 9).21 Historically, estimates of world recoverable coal reserves, although relatively stable, have declined gradually from 1,145 billion tons in 1991 to 1,083 billion tons in 2000 and 929 billion tons in 2006 [42]. The most recent assessment of world coal reserves includes a substantial downward adjustment for India, from 102 billion tons in 2003 to 62 billion tons in 2006—reportedly attributable to better data, which permitted the estimation of recoverable coal reserves as compared with previous estimates of in-place coal reserves. Estimated reserves for OECD Europe of 32 billion tons in the most recent assessment also are substantially lower than the 2003 assessment of 43 billion tons. Much of the downward adjustment for OECD Europe is a result of lower estimates for Poland, Turkey, and the Czech Republic. Poland’s reassessment of estimated recoverable coal reserves from 15 billion tons in 2003 to 8 billion tons in 2006 reflects the use of more restrictive criteria for geologic reliability [43].

Although coal deposits are widely distributed, 80 percent of the world’s recoverable reserves are located in five regions: the United States (28 percent), Russia (19 percent), China (14 percent), other non-OECD Europe and Eurasia (10 percent), and Australia/New Zealand (9 percent). In 2006 those five regions, taken together, produced 4.9 billion tons (95.8 quadrillion Btu) of coal, representing 71 percent (75 percent on a Btu basis) of total world coal production [44]. By rank, anthracite and bituminous coal account for 51 percent of the world’s estimated recoverable coal reserves on a tonnage basis, subbituminous coal accounts for 32 percent, and lignite accounts for 18 percent.

Quality and geological characteristics of coal deposits are important parameters for coal reserves. Coal is a heterogeneous source of energy, with quality (for example, characteristics such as heat, sulfur, and ash content) varying significantly by region and even within individual coal seams. At the top end of the quality spectrum are premium-grade bituminous coals, or coking coals, used to manufacture coke for the steelmaking process. Coking coals produced in the United States have an estimated heat content of 26.3 million Btu per ton and relatively low sulfur content of approximately 0.8 percent by weight [45]. At the other end of the spectrum are reserves of low-Btu lignite. On a Btu basis, lignite reserves show considerable variation. Estimates published by the International Energy Agency for 2006 indicate that the average heat content of lignite in major producing countries varies from a low of 4.5 million Btu per ton in Greece to a high of 12.4 million Btu per ton in Canada [46].

补充:从煤炭储量定义和分类来看我国煤炭枯竭 http://www.ccthere.com/article/2793997

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