
主题:【原创】经济学的客观预测与社会的主观预期 -- MRandson

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家园 最著名的就是他们无数一流战略家预测的,“不战而胜”,“历

I guess you only read those books translated into Chinese. There are always at least 3 to 4 schools of thoughts who compete to offer advice to the top leaders.

“历史的终结”was written by a Japanese American, who is never in the inner circle.

美国陷入了现在的困境--Iraq war was plotted by those PNAC people, Project for New American Century, which was staffed by Jewish Americans or fresh-out-of-boat Israeli scholars, who still speak English with weird accent.

They are JUST ONE THINK TANK that competes for attention and they have the ear of Dick Cheney and Rumsfield. That's the reason for the Iraq mistake.

Where is Bush Jr.? Everyone knows he is a puppet and idiot. Remember the past 8-year American president is DICK CHENEY, MY DEAR CHINESE READERS.

PNAC ideal was greatly resented by the intellengience community as well as the foreign policy community.

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