
主题:真爱假爱 -- gogreen

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家园 Geek's Marriage Equation

What are the chances my marriage will last?


A= Her age at time of marriage

E=Current combined years of post-high-school education

K= Number of kids from this marriage

R= How religious is the couple (1-10 with 10 being “the Pope”)

D= Combined number of divorces of couple’s parents

P= Combined previous marriages

T= Years at which you are computing the chances

H.e.a. stands for “Happily Ever After” and is the percent chance you will still be married at time “T”

Should we get married?


T= How many years have you been dating?

L= The number of times per day that something makes you think of this person

C= If your families got together for a holiday dinner, the estimated number of times there would be uncomfortable friction

S= How many shared interests and/or goals do you two have?

A= How many individual or conflicting interests and/or goals do you two have?

D= The average number of disagreements you have with this person in a month

If Ttk is above one, you should tie the knot

How many kids should you have?



S= Your combined household salary

K= Combined, how many brothers and sisters do you and your spouse have (include yourselves in this number)

T= Combined hours per week you and your significant other work outside the house

A= On a scale from 1-10, the highest level of aversion you have to any of the following: Changing diapers, sleep deprivation, visiting in-laws, tantrums

E= On a scale from 1-10, how concerned are you about global overpopulation



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