
主题:【原创】新年政治经济展望之三:动荡年华(一) -- 井底望天

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家园 hehe.

US gov. bond is the starting point for deciding private loan interest rate.

That's a tradition since the Venice Republic about 400-500 year ago. Nation A's private firm usually is not as creditworthy as the gov. of A.

Chinese need to read the history of finance (book such as The Ascent of Money) to get some Finance 101 knowledge. Not just Song's blah-blah conspiracy-stuffed history book.

一个是期货,着眼于美国的未来--10-year treasury note yield to maturity (also called yield or interest rate) is not about FUTURE, it is the rate used in daily financial transactions, esp., mortgage decision and long-term corporate bonds.

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