
主题:【原创】历史研究之事理人情 -- 庄汀2

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家园 感谢橡兄的数据,恰好验证了我的想法,而且比我想要的还多


7 November 02

27 February 03

(13 October 04

12 October 05


7 November 02简报:“Above-normal precipitation in October and first week of November, particularly in central and eastern parts, provided adequate soil moisture for planting of the 2003 cereal crops, which has started. However, prospects are poor reflecting disruption in the agricultural sector following land acquisition activities and prices of seeds beyond the reach of large numbers of farmers.”


27 February 03简报“Prospects for this year‘ cereal crops are poor. In the maize growing areas of the north, good rains in late January and February provided relief to crops affected by prolonged dry spells earlier in the season but they are likely to have arrived too late to prevent yield reductions. However, the final outcome will depend on the rains until early April. In southern and western areas, the worst affected by dry weather during the cropping season, precipitation was insufficient to reverse severe drought conditions. The outlook for the cereal crops, mainly maize, is also unfavourable due to serious shortages of agricultural inputs and reduced plantings following land reforms in the commercial sector. While last year the commercial sector accounted for one third of the reduced production of 498?00 tonnes, this year only 15?00 tonnes are expected from commercial farmers. Early forecasts point to a maize crop around last year抯 level. An assessment of the crop conditions is currently been undertaken by the National Early Warning Unit.”






07年 “贾庆林与穆加贝出席援助津巴布韦农业机械设备交接仪式”

“BBC 中文網| 中國報導| 中國大額援助津巴布韋農業 - [ 转为简体网页 ]中國全國政協主席賈慶林到訪津巴布韋,兩國簽署價值5800萬美元的農業援助計劃。”

09年 “津巴布韦中国农业技术示范中心举行奠基仪式”


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