
主题:紧急求助,下周四我要证明莎拉佩琳不傻,求各路高人支招 -- 万年看客

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家园 提供点意见

1. The claim of Sarah Palin being ill-educated is insubstantial. She has a bachelor degree, and the display of the lack of statemanship is not a conclusive evidence of her being "ill-educated"

2. There is no direct relationship between the level of education and competency as a state leader. You need a lot of examples of well-educated men being bad leaders and poorly educated men as good leaders.

3. You have a better chance of winning if you can limit the definition of education to formal education.

Remember, you are NOT disputing that Sarah palin is unsuitable to be the president of the USA (make this discussion irrelevant to the debate), you are disputing that that has to do with the level of education (choose your battleground).

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