
主题:【原创】《李锅34》 丰田神话(一) -- 本嘉明

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家园 Britons care only their own

national interests.

If Britons and Americans are always 一条心, then how come there were Independence War and War of 1812? The Imperial Preferential System/Sterling trading block was also dismantled by the Americans after WWII.

Before the establishment of Brettonwood system, White and Keynes had a big debate and finally the American blueprint won out. Military partners could easily become financial competitors.

I never believe that 英国和美国一条心 on everything and we should be naive to believe that their economic and geopolitical interests are always alligned perfectly. Even wife and husband often disagree on many issues, so do two nations with global ambition.

英国这种两面派的做法--Britain was not an EEC founding member. It was absorbed into EEC in 1973 because: UK wanted to tap the single continental market and the EEC wanted to expanded its economic influence. That's not 两面派--that's called win-win (a very Western concept, right?) That's common knowledge in Brussels among EU diplomats.

两面派-- is a typical Chinese concept. It is normal to be 两面派 because different partners can agree and cooperate on A but disagree and fight on B.

The British-America alliance lasted longer because of cultural similiarity and shared interests in Europe. But America was not always friendly to UK--e.g., 1992 currency attack; 1956 Suez crisis in which President Eisenhower threatened to dump British pounds on the international market and destroyed the British currency...

I guess you are a young Chinese overseas student(fenqin--angry youth) in States or UK. The fact that you ask this question indicates that you have not studied the British/US history well and do not really understand the Anglo-Saxon mentality well. No offense--just a friendly comment.


Strongly recommended. WE CHINESE DO NOT ACTUALLY UNDERSTAND THE WORLD HISTORY AT ALL. What we read is the screened history with a pair of chinese-perspetived glasses.

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