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家园 【文摘】互联网-美国霸权的强心剂!


Comment: Internet - New shot in the arm for U.S. hegemony

James-Adams, a famous military forecaster, wrote in his book, The Next World War, these words: "The computer is the weapon for the future war and there is no virtual front line, as the traditional battle and the byte will take the bullet's role to grab control of the air."


US companies intend to make preparations for future global information control and sanctions during the progress of research and manufacture under the direction of the US government. As early as 2002, a CIA Internet spying plot was disclosed by the British media, saying the CIA sought to collect information by breaking into giant companies, banks and governmental organs and organizations across the world.


The New York Times reported in December, 2005 that the CIA cooperated with the country's telecom enterprises to invent a computer program capable of intercepting Internet communications. The Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS TV) claimed on Jan 11, 2006, that the CIA had established a special institution for the interception of information from other countries by using high-tech means. The institution's person in charge said in an interview with CBS that the CIA had obtained a great amount of information of great importance.


The unsuccessful "Color Revolution" in Moldova in April 2009 was also called the "Twitter Revolution" because of the involvement of Twitter, a popular US-based Internet social networking site. There are people at the US-based Soros Open Society Institute who are in charge of boosting so-called "Democratic movement" in a "closed society" in the US. Iran had been in a turbulent situation after its election in June 2009, as the opposition party was spreading false messages, venting their discontent and holding protests on social networking sites such as Twitter and YouTube. The US government thought it such an effective tool to use against Iran that it even asked Twitter to postpone its regular maintenance date on June 15, saying, "Iran is in a defining moment, and Twitter is playing such a vital part in it, can you let it just work as usual?" The founder of Twitter felt excited to see that its site had become the "political tool" of the US government.


According to a Hong Kong media agency, the CIA invests tens of millions of US dollars every year to aid "Chinese net traitors" to infiltrate Chinese net users with US ideology.



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