
主题:【原创】马萨诸塞红蓝易色之后 -- 晨枫

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家园 thanks for your compliment

my writing is just so so. I met some young Chinese professionals working at Wall Street. Their writing is much better than mine. 江后浪推前浪,一代新人胜前人. My generation can only specialize in IT/Math-intensive fields. The younger generation of Chinese students have entered tougher fields such as journalism, political science, communications... Their oral communication skill is amazing. They are more self-confident and open than us.

I once tried to post on Chinese forum in Chinese, but it was time consuming and I often bumped into "forbidden words" and my whole post sometimes never appeared on forum.

I figure that it might be much more difficult to filter posts in English ^-^ Chinese wan te do not have such expertise yet. ^-^

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