
主题:【原创】也谈IPCC报告:脚下的冰面吱嘎作响 -- 大黄

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河里村长最新正在写系列长篇,介绍并点评IPCC 2007年出炉的第四份气候变化评估报告(http://www.ccthere.com/article/2631041),这个科普工作的质量很高。不过缺点在于,对更新的一些进展,似乎涉及不多。因为IPCC 2007里面跟踪的目标文献,截止期是2006年甚至更早,而几年下来,积累的与该报告内容相左的进展其实是不少的,其中有些还是大飞机,重磅炸弹,能炸得这个报告血肉模糊那种。所以俺本来的想法,是等村长收工以后,再搞一个综述,来接上这个茬。不过这种懒汉思想经常会跟不上形势的发展。这不,来事了。最新一期的《自然》杂志,终于打破沉默,开始“有节制”得发表不利于IPCC报告了。先不废话,看报道原文


Published online 19 January 2010 | Nature 463, 276-277 (2010) | doi:10.1038/463276a

[SIZE=3]Glacier estimate is on thin ice

IPCC may modify its Himalayan melting forecasts.[/SIZE]


...At issue is a statement in the portion of the 2007 IPCC report compiled by its working group on impacts, adaptation and vulnerability. It says that "glaciers in the Himalaya are receding faster than in any other part of the world and, if the present rate continues, the likelihood of them disappearing by the year 2035 and perhaps sooner is very high if the Earth keeps warming at the current rate". The source cited was a 2005 overview from the conservation group WWF's Nepal Program, which, in turn, refers to non-refereed findings by glaciologist Syed Iqbal Hasnain, a senior fellow at The Energy and Resources Institute in New Delhi.

Hasnain recently told the magazine New Scientist that his initial conclusions, contained in a 1999 report by the Working Group on Himalayan Glaciology of the International Commission on Snow and Ice, were "speculative". Nature could not reach him for comment.

"The IPCC's statement is wrong and misleading," says Andreas Schild, director-general of the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development in Kathmandu, Nepal. "It was pretty clear early on that this was an error awaiting correction," adds Michael Zemp, a glaciologist with the World Glacier Monitoring Service in Zurich, Switzerland.


那这事儿是怎么东窗事发的呢?Nature现在捅这个事儿,可以认为基本原因有两个:一个是,近几年的研究中对IPCC 2007的若干重要结论和观点进行方向性否定的内容已经积累到一定程度,再装聋作哑,说不定你的同伴忍不住就先说了,这时候自己岂不被动。这和其他事情一样,到了纸里包不住火的时候,必然得有叛变有投诚的。第二是和哥本哈根后的形势有关。“保哥本哈根”嘛,跟“保八”道理类似,既然哥本哈根这么大的节点都没薅到什么羊毛,那继续忍住不放的性价比就愈发得差了。还是说了吧,不过说得时候要注意讲技巧,讲政治。Nature这篇报道是一个极好的范例,短短一个报道,百转千回、欲说还休、推诿扯皮,就已然蔚为大观,气候政治果然牛逼。

至于具体怎么有技巧,俺就不多评了,因为这个报道说到底是定位在投石问路的那颗石子,值得讨论只是因为有指标意义,能抓眼球,会上新闻,而并不是因为有了重大的科学进展。科技版还是要搞一点不会上新闻的内容,没有干货不能服人。有人感兴趣的话,以后可以陆续写一点,基本材料就是近几年经同行评审的,专业期刊上的(主要是质量比较好的,影响因子高的期刊),跟IPCC 2007唱反调的文献。不过内容肯定会比这个报道讲的东西枯燥多了,所以会细看的人估计不会多。


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