
主题:【讨论】对总经理述职报告的部分内容的简单解读 -- wqnsihs

共:💬509 🌺1989 🌵1
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家园 China is not a leader yet

and do not have the capability to lead the world yet.

China should solve its internal injustice, inequality and income disparity first before any global ambition. Without domestic peace, it can not even be a sound regional leader at all.

Start your empire slowly. America first controlled North/Latin America, before it landed on a global empire path.


For a nation that still can not build a car motor by itself, 30-year growth is just one small step towards better global status. The key now is to improve the life of its own citizens.

"Obey before you command"

"Learn before you lead"-okay?

China is still a primary school student, though very diligent. DO NOT WASTE TIME DREAMING OF REPLACING THIS AMERICA-LED system. China could not create a better system to lead the world, even at the regional level(it has no expertise in empire-building as well as economic management. Look at its 2009 man-made real estate bubble and 2010 hyperinflation... Can not help shaking my head at this kind of stupidity). Further disruption of the current global system will bring in large fall in global output and living standards.



Read the 3rd last paragraph.

After WWII, the world is short of global trade payment tool and America is still an trade surplus nation. How to promote global trade and recovery in Europe with constant surplus? Americans created Marshall plan, World Bank and IMF to finance global trade payment. That's something nobody tried before.

Think creatively. That's American's strength and Asian's weakness. Asians are still obsessed with physical gold now.

Again, under the America-led global division-of-labor system, the world has reached its output/efficiency/world-trade/employment/GDP-level/min-inflation PEAK.

After peak, YOU SHOULD PRAY THAT THE CONTRACTION IS SLOW AND LESS PAINFUL. If we got a 1929-1931 contraction of 25% to 30%, then you will only see war in the end.

I can only pray that technology revolution come a bit early so that productive capacity destruction will not happen. While, it is in God's hand now.

Up till now, Federal Reserve has handled the financial matters with great capability, in comparison with its performance in 1929-1931. When it comes to finance, nobody can beat American WASP-Jewish elites. You know empire hisotry well, any nation without the sincere assistance of Jewish bankers will not achieve its empire dream.

So is China. An Chinese empire can not be built purely by Chinese talents, let alone China has lost lots of its own talents to the outside world and still is still so mean to its own compatriots.

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