
主题:周济因何被免职? -- 明日黄花

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家园 和腐败有关

China sacks education minister amid scandal

BEIJING (AP) - China's legislature has removed the country's unpopular education minister amid a corruption scandal in a city he used to oversee and widespread public dissatisfaction with the education system.


Zhou's removal comes just weeks after two senior administrators were arrested for bribery at Wuhan University. While Zhou has not been publicly linked with the scandal, he spent much of his career in Wuhan city working in the education system and served as mayor for two years before being elevated to education minister.

The corruption case at Wuhan University encapsulates many of the problems Chinese universities are facing. Beijing began a rapid expansion of higher education in the 1990s, pouring money into the system to create competitive world-class schools and provide more spaces for children of a baby boom then coming of university age.

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