
主题:期待牛牛们的Ophone使用心得 -- 喵咪呜

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家园 You are truly remarkable

To 高子山:

Sorry, I just can't help myself.

You gotta admit he is really something else... you know... out there.

To 喵咪呜:

Adobe. Seriously! Of all tech company you heart Adobe.

PDF is a last century technology for cake's sake, beside open-source the format in 2008 what exactly did Adobe do that's even marginally exciting? (GPU acceleration I'll give you that, but let's face it, Adobe is pretty late in the game and it's implementation is generously speaking, mediocre.)

Don't even mention Flash, Adobe took a refreshing framework and successfully turned it into a monopoly behemoth. Yeah, Hooray, whatever.

BTW, is AIR going anywhere? I mean since you are on Google's side, it's pretty clear Adobe AIR is EVIL EVIL EVIL.

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