主题:【原创】死于美国高速的动物(2)动物过马路 -- 胡亦庄
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复 一个误解
不过Brush Guards/ Grille Guards/Bull Bars/Grill Guard这些东西的目的之一是动物。见下文。
A bullbar (also roo bar or nudge bar in Australia) is a device fitted to the front of a vehicle to protect it and its passengers from damage in a collision with an animal. They vary considerably in size and form, and are usually made of welded steel or aluminium tubing, and, more recently, moulded polycarbonate and polyethylene materials.
- 相关回复 上下关系8
🙂几次Roadkill经历....... 6 Sioux 字554 2009-08-17 10:37:54
🙂以前撞过一次飞鸟 7 光年 字375 2009-08-16 21:44:06
🙂一个误解 6 渔樵山人 字599 2009-08-16 14:03:44
🙂谢谢,看到了车屁股图 桥上 字0 2009-08-15 23:36:27
🙂花,您能否想办法让我等国内的也能看到您的图?先谢了 桥上 字0 2009-08-15 23:31:19
🙂这个博客国内应该看得见 1 胡亦庄 字52 2009-08-16 07:31:40
🙂谢谢,已看到了,花 桥上 字0 2009-08-16 07:37:01