
主题:【血液班开课了】关于献血的讨论 -- 京虎子

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Lenny L L,Goldstein J.Biotechnology of Blood.Boston:Butterworth-Hemeinann,1991,76-94.

Lenney L L,Hurst R,Goldstein J.Single-unit transfusions of RBC enzymatically converted from group B to group O and A to O normal volunteers.Blood,1991,77(6):1383-1388.

Lenny L L,Hurst R,Goldstein J.Galbraith RA.Tansfusion to group O subjects of2units of red cell enzymatically converted from group B to A.Transfusion,1994,34(3):209-214.

Lenny L L,Harst R,Goldstein J,et al.Mutiple-unit nd second transˉfusion of red cells enzymtically converted from group B to group O reˉport on the end of phase I trial.Transfusion,1995,35(11):899.

Zhu A,Leng L,Monahan C.Charactrization of recombinant alpha-galactosidase for use in seroconversion from blood group B to O of huˉman erythrocytes.Arch Biochem Biophys,1996,327:324-329.

Vosnidou NC,Johnson SA,Mitra MM,et al.Seroconversion of type B to erythrocytes using recombinant Glycine max alpha-D-galactosidase from pinto bean.Biochem Mol Biol Int,1998,46(1):175.

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