
主题:【求助】中国古典乐曲的英文名称和简述 -- Sioux

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家园 【求助】中国古典乐曲的英文名称和简述



1. 高山流水——High Mountain and Flowing Water

This music was created during the Warring States Period (403, BC – 221, BC).

It describes a great friendship between a musician and an axman.

此曲取材于“伯牙鼓琴遇知音”, 春秋时,晋大夫俞伯牙一次在荒野弹琴,樵夫钟子期竟能领会这是描绘“巍巍乎志在高山”和“洋洋乎志在流水”。伯牙惊曰:“善哉,子之心与吾同。” 后子期死,伯牙痛失知音,摔琴断弦,永不再弹,故有高山流水之曲。


2. 广陵散——Guangling Verse

This music was created before the Western Han Dynasty China (206, BC – 24, AD).

It tells a story that a hard-bitten musician disfigured his own face, persisted in learning playing Chinese zither for 10 years and then devoted his life to revenging his dead father on a tyrannical king.


3. 平沙落雁——The Honk ( Wild Geese over the Clam Sands ?)

This music was recorded in 1634, AD, Ming Dynasty China.

It describes the wild gooses flying in the sky.



4. 十面埋伏——Being Besieged

It describes a decisive battle between Chu State and Han State in 202, BC. King Xiang,Yu of Chu State was besieged by King Liu, Bang of Han State. King Xiang,Yu chose to suicide by the Wu River after being defeated.


5. 渔樵问答——Conversation between Fisherman and Axman

This music was recorded in 1560, AD, Ming Dynasty China.

It describes a idyllic conversation between a fisherman and an axman. It represents a mood of long for withdrawing from society and living a recluse rustic existence.


6. 春江花月夜——Moonlight on the Spring River

It describes a scene by the river in the dusk of the evening.

7. 汉宫秋月 Cold Moonlight in the Palace

It describes the sorrow and plaintive emotion of the ancient lady-in-waiting.


8. 梅花三弄——Three Variations of Plum Flowers

This music was created in 383, AD(?)by general Huan Yi, Jin Dynasty China. It describes a person with the unyielding character with comparing him to the plum blossoming in chilly snow.


9. 阳春白雪——Spring and Snow (?)

This music was created during the Warring States Period (403, BC – 221, BC).



10、胡笳十八拍——18 Movements of Hu-Flute

This music was created by Cai Yan, a famous poetess of the Eastern Han Dynasty China (25, AD – 220, AD) who was captured by Hun and restrained in enemy state for 12 years.

It describes her miserable life full of longing for home country and being separated from her children.


11. 苏武牧羊——The Shepherd SuWu(?)



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