
主题:飞行棺材制造者 -- 晃晃悠悠

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据英国媒体报道,飞机失事时,所谓“阿鲁纳恰尔邦”山区9日的天气情况很差,能见度很低。“阿鲁纳恰尔邦”的高官阿姆扎德-塔克(Amzad Tak)在接受英国媒体采访时表示:“这架飞机已经坠毁,军方已经找到全部遇难者尸体,共14具。”在飞机失事地点附近的村民对警察说,他们听见一声巨响,看见一个火球和从空中散落的其他物体。


HAL(Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) 印度斯坦航空有限公司),是印度航空工业的代表和骄傲,

1992-2004年间, HAL一共

组装米格-21两架,大修八架, 其中八架坠毁











HAL的成立,成为印度斯坦飞机于1940年在班加罗尔的Walchand Hirachand生产军用飞机的皇家印度空军 。 这项倡议是积极鼓励的王国迈索尔 ,特别是府主席先生, 米尔扎伊斯梅尔 。 在英国政府购买了三分之一的股份,该公司1941年4月,因为它认为这是一种战略需要。

后来在1942年4月,它收购了赌注的Walchand Hirachand自己和其他发起人,以便它能够自由行动。 这项决定是由英国primairly积极推动英国军事硬件用品在亚洲以对付日益严重的威胁所造成的日本帝国在第二次世界大战 。


1943年在班加罗尔的工厂被移交给美国军队,但仍空军使用的HAL管理。工厂迅速扩大,并成为该中心的大修和修理美国飞机和被称为第84空军站。 第一架飞机的大修是PBY卡塔林之后,每一种类型的飞机在印度和缅甸。 当返回印度控制两年后,工厂已成为最大的大修和修理组织在东部地区。

A印度获得独立后,于1947年,该公司的管理的是交给印度政府 ,并更名为印度斯坦航空有限公司( HAL )的。 T虽然没有使用的HAL是积极发展新型号的战斗机,该公司已发挥了关键作用,现代化的印度空军 。 公司于1957年开始生产的Jet引擎 (奥菲斯)的授权下罗尔斯罗伊斯公司在新工厂位于班加罗尔。 在1980年代, HAL的业务迅速增加了,导致发展新的土著飞机如HAL的敏捷和HAL的Dhruv 。 HAL的还开发了一个先进的版本的米格 -21 ,称为米格-21 野牛 ,这增加了其寿命超过20岁。

HAL的也取得了一些价值数百万美元的合同,由领先的国际航空航天企业,如空中客车 , 波音公司和霍尼韦尔公司制造飞机零部件和发动机。



  据俄罗斯航空工业消息人士近日透露,印俄双方已经达成了一份新的协议。根据这份新的协议,俄方将协助印方全力加快苏-30MKI战斗机的生产,使印度全部苏-30的最终交付时间提前至2014年。印俄于2000年12月签署了苏-30MKI型机生产线转让协议,由印度斯坦航空有限公司自行为印空军生产 140架该型机,在2017年前完成交货。



29 military aircraft crashed in three years

In a damning indictment of state-owned Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL), parliament was informed Wednesday that 26 of the 29 combat aircraft that crashed in the past three years had been manufactured, overhauled or upgraded by the company.

The Indian Air Force (IAF) operated all the 26 aircraft, which had 40-50 percent of their operational life left when they crashed, Defence Minister A.K. Antony said in a written reply in the Rajya Sabha.

The other three aircraft belonged to the Indian Navy, which has its own repair and maintenance facilities independent of HAL.

The IAF and the Indian Navy have ascribed the crashes to either human or technical failures.

Giving details, Antony said the IAF had lost eight MiG-21s, six Jaguars, four MiG-27s, four Mirages, three MiG-29s, and one Bison - an upgraded version of the MiG-21 during 2004-05 and 2006-07.

The Indian Navy lost three Sea Harriers during this period.

During 1992-2004, Antony said, HAL had manufactured two MiG-21s and overhauled eight, of which eight had crashed. In addition, the company had overhauled a Bison and upgraded another, of which one crashed.

In the case of the Jaguars, the company had manufactured three and overhauled five, of which six crashed.

In the case of the Mirages, HAL had overhauled four, all of which had crashed.

In the case of the MiG-27, HAL had manufactured three and overhauled a similar number, of which four crashed. `

As for the MiG-29, HAL had overhauled three, all of which crashed.

Of the 29 crashes, 13 had occurred in 2004-05, and eight each in the subsequent two years.

Parliament's Standing Committee on Defence, in a report tabled last month, had commented adversely on the depleting squadron strength of the IAF, calling for immediate acquisitions and upgrades.

"The committee feels that most of the aircraft in the inventory of the air force are quite old and, therefore, require immediate replacement. The committee also feels the upgradation programme of the air force which is a continuous process is proceeding at a very slow pace," it had said.

"On the other hand, there has been under utilisation of funds allocated for the purpose during the last financial year 2006-07.

"In view of this, the committee strongly recommended that the ministry should take immediate steps for the ongoing acquisition and upgradation programme by utilising the entire funds allocated for the current year.

The IAF that had in 2001 projected its requirement for 126 multi-role combat aircraft to ramp up its squadron levels and hopes to float a global tender in next two months.

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