
主题:【求助】一辈子难得几次痛心,爱要说出来...然后呢? -- 夏亚

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As early as 1928, Bakhtin made critical comment on the formalism of the communication mode. Since the formalism believe the two element of society A (Author) and B (the readers) were ready-made, static communication and exchange information, the Social relations between them are static, the information X is a ready-made and only deliveried by the A to the B.





Bakhtin pointed out that this model is "fundamentally wrong", not only the "A and B in a constant relationship between the ongoing change and formation, and also they are change during the process of communication “And that "there is no information readily available to communicate x, it is formed in the A and B by the process of communication"

Because "things to communicate with the form of communication, methods, and the specific terms as an integral"


Bakhtin has always been critical about the lack of dialogue factors, the communication which ignore the participants even the individuality and positive patterns attitude. Of course, At the same time, Bakhtin also gradually improve his own dialogue mode as the cornerstone of, now the author name it “the dialogue model of communication”. In his new model, the expression is the core,


图l 巴赫金对语交际模式

Bakhtin think that the expression "is the basic unit of speech" [14], it is the basic unit in the human language and culture behavior, focusing on that he set up his own re-main, re-response & dialogue new communication mode. Then, According to Bakhtin, his unique mode of communication for understanding the communication patterns dialogue approach this graphical to explain:




As shown on the map is a two-way mode of transmission, combined with an intuitive model, here described from five aspects:

First, that the person (author) and if people are participants in communication. An important feature of expression "is a person to resort to it is that it's targeted. expressed both authors, but also by what people" [7] 181, who may be affected if the actual dialogue of the conversation, and may be experts groups, the audience, the public, with the generation of people, opponents and enemies, subordinates, superiors,

Friends, strangers, etc., may be completely sure of the others. If people affected by the type and characteristics, which mainly depends on the discourse of human activities and the areas of daily life.



turnover, not only to maintain the dialogue and character interaction. Bakhtin respect "for the words (and thus also for the people), the most terrible and no one is a response." [u] 336 On the one hand, "the authors have a positive initiative", which "carries with it special initiative on

If the nature of "【4] 375. On the other hand, by the words of" statements of any understanding, both with the nature of a positive response (although here the degree of positive diverse); any understanding of all breeds to answer, this will surely lead to have answered in some form, that is said to be from the listener ( 'exchange of ideas') "【7J151. the listener, who by then the conversion is an indication of its interaction and impact, but also the continuous replacement of the main speech.

第三,对话中要考虑“统觉背景”(apperception background)。统觉背景是受话人理解具体表述的背景知识,如对情景的熟悉程度,是否拥有这一文化交际领域的专门知识,观点和信念,有什么成见、好恶等【7】182。统觉背景不仅决定表述的布局和风格,还决定受话人对表述的积极的应答性理解,即决定表述的内容。

Third, the dialogue to consider "the context of apperception" (apperception background). Apperception background, then understood by the expression of specific background knowledge, such as familiarity with the scenarios, whether the area of cultural communication expertise, views and beliefs, what prejudices, likes and dislikes, etc. 【7】 182. Apperception background not only determines the layout and style of presentation, it was also decided by the words of the expression of the positive response to the understanding that the provisions contained in the decision.


Fourth, the dialogue of others play an active role in communication. In dialogue, except to say who (the author) and subject to interpretation if the response from people, as well as "other words" the "other side" it is "speech in the language of the statements expressed in" L61466. Speech of others "as another expression of the thinking for the speaker" [61,467, that is, the dialogue that were not the first speaker, in his statements before the statements are first the existence of others, so that the expression is always linked with the statements of others.



Fifth, the environmental impact statement by the community. Bakhtin states that "any statements, any of the organizations performance center, not in the internal, but external: in focusing on individual and social environment", 【6] 445 affirmed the statements of the speaker depends on the deep structure of the dialogue Bakhtin communication mode and communication mode in a similar cycle, but

Cycle model than a more comprehensive, more scientific. Cycle mode by Osgood and Schramm made, and there is a mode of transmission from the limitations of one-way, emphasizing the interaction between the spread of the spread is the spread of both acts as the main, the dissemination of the interaction of the two sides back and forth cycle continues



Dialogue Bakhtin emphasizes interactive communication mode at the same time, an increase of some new elements: First, the background apperception. Apperception sufficient background to take into account the statements by the words of the form and content of the impact statements; Second, statements of others. Statements of others that directly affect the people and subject to the provisions contained in words; Third, social environment. Bakhtin saw the process of dialogue is not only a variety of internal factors, but also to see the impact of dialogue on the most critical external factors that the social environment. Model the spread of the process of dissemination of the concerns of external factors. Until 1970, only appear in the interactive mode DeFleur and DeFleur interactive mode only the external factors are "noise", far from being able to summarize the complexity of the impact of the dissemination process of the external factors. Comparatively speaking, the dialogue Bakhtin communication mode is a kind of amazing to think and find in advance.

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