
主题:邪恶的TG再次对善良的美洲人民伸出魔爪 -- 狗子

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Many medical historians believe that the Asian and Hong Kong flus started in

southeastern China near Hong Kong, where very high densities of people live

in close proximity to hogs and chickens in rural areas and can share their

viruses. Some historians also suggest that the Spanish flu also started in

southeastern China.

The Mexican ambassador to Beijing, Jorge Guajardo, has been outspoken this week in suggesting that the disease did not originate in Mexico. He said in a telephone interview on Tuesday that the disease was brought to his country by an infected person from somewhere in “Eurasia,” the land mass of Europe and Asia.

Millions of pigs died in China two years ago in an epidemic so severe that

it pushed pork prices up 90 percent. Veterinarians attributed the deaths at

the time mainly to blue-ear disease, which does not affect humans, but also

to swine flu. The Chinese government did not issue a public report assessing

the outbreak and provided very few details to international organizations.




墨西哥驻华大使Jorge Guajardo本周以来一直大声疾呼目前流行的猪流感并不起源于墨西哥。在一个周二的电话采访中,他说这种传染病是被欧亚大陆的感染人群带到墨西哥的,他的国家并不是发源地。这大使人品也就那样了,病毒发源地没有感染报告,他一个被动感染国家到死了一片。



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