
主题:【文摘】Life杂志里的朝鲜战争(1)敌人的面孔 -- pxpxpx

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家园 没人说美国人高尚,我想你是误会了,下面是原文

RUSSELL : "As to the extension of the war, the adoption of the MacArthur Plan . . . What do you think ... of that plan?"

MARSHALL: "I think the extension of the conflict would not be profitable . . . for a number of reasons."

Profit & Loss. Marshall ticked off the Administration's rejoinder to the MacArthur proposals: bombing of Manchurian bases or of the Chinese mainland would not cripple the enemy as much as Mac-Arthur believes, because, for one thing, life is cheap in China; a naval blockade would involve the U.S. with Russian ships, would probably "leak like a sieve," and would not shut off the main Chinese supplies, coming by land from Russia; the value of Chiang Kai-shek's troops on Formosa in any expedition against the Reds is negligible. "I do not believe . . . the result would be commensurate with the effort that we would have to make."


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