
主题:灰黯城市中慢慢死去的中国毒人 -- 若天无云

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家园 看看Onion News的视频吧, 黑色幽默啊

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1. The smog level serves as a grand symbol of China's supremacy.

2. The sky of China is now a rainbow of grace reflecting all the shades of our prosperity

3. There were a hundred widows smog dancing on the magnificent pole ash dragon kite as little children sang a song to the spirit of poisoned fish.

4. Close to one million of people will die of cancer in China this year. Cancer is a very modern disease!

5. Chinese people will not be stopped by anything!

If pollution ruins a river, we will build a new river!

If pollution destroy a mountain, we will build a new mountain!

At long last, world cannot ignore our growing prosperity.

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