
主题:【原创】相亲奇遇记(16)我们都不是普通人(上) -- 忘情

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家园 没那闲钱呀

忘情, 逗小资need trick ya. Bring them to home, and boil a pot of hot water. Buy a bottle of instant coffee (30-20 China dallor). Prepare instant coffee with good-looking coffee cups(No sugar, no salt, no milk), and play classic music, Mozart, Chopin, any of those non-Chinese musicians.( But you need memorize all the related background knowlege, not neccessarily exact, but you need speak them out very smooth, like talk about your workmates) Prepare 10-100 jokes, some of them are porn related. You can spend a whole weekend with the 小资 in your apartment.

关键词(Tags): #两性关系#婚恋
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