
主题:叫一声祖国太沉重 -- 午后

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家园 innocent和honest是对不上的

这里是Meriam Webster对innocent的定义:

1 a: free from guilt or sin especially through lack of knowledge of evil : blameless <an innocent child> b: harmless in effect or intention <searching for a hidden motive in even the most innocent conversation — Leonard Wibberley> ; also : candid <gave me an innocent gaze> c: free from legal guilt or fault ; also : lawful <a wholly innocent transaction>2 a: lacking or reflecting a lack of sophistication, guile, or self-consciousness : artless , ingenuous b: ignorant <almost entirely innocent of Latin — C. L. Wrenn> ; also : unaware <perfectly innocent of the confusion he had created — B. R. Haydon>3: lacking or deprived of something <her face innocent of cosmetics — Marcia



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