
主题:【花边儿】与Michael Phelps不得不说的 -- 容易

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【花边儿】与Michael Phelps不得不说的


刚刚收到客服转给公司全体员工的一个EMAIL. 原文抄录如下:

-----Original Message-----From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2008 2:53 PM

To: xxxxxx xxxxx

Cc: xxxxxxx xxxx

Subject: Michael Phelps and Your Brand

Customer: xxx xxxxxxx

Company: none

Email: [email protected]

Date: 8/14/2008 2:53:22 PM

Phone: 407 xxx xxxx

Location: USA

State: FL


I love Phelps he has really made your brand stand out that is why I am on your site. I noticed that he wears your logo.............He is amazing. Great spokesperson.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He is hot.

客服回复了一个邮件给他. 表达了对这个潜在客户的感谢和对菲尔普斯的热爱. 两分钟后, 立刻又收到了这个:

" Wow a reply..........amazing. You guys are the best! First to have Phelps on your team, then to actually care about the consumer ..........take care xxxxx"

看了这个, 今天心情变得很不错. 证明俺们有预见地花钱在菲尔普斯身上真是花到了刀口上. 哈.


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