
主题:【原创】自打嘴巴帖:地震会引发糖尿病?对。 那是有地。。(1) -- 寒塘冷月

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【原创】自打嘴巴帖:地震会引发糖尿病?对。 那是有地。。(1)

自打嘴巴帖:地震会引发糖尿病? 对。 那是有地震糖尿病咯? 绝对没有!

那是自打嘴巴咯? 绝对不是!


1 全球糖尿病患者在高速增长中


GLOBAL BURDEN OF DIABETES Press Release WHO/63 14 September 1998

WHO Projects a 170% Growth in the Number of People with Diabetes in Developing Countries by 2025

Between 1995 and 2025 the number of the adult population affected by diabetes mellitus in developing countries is projected to grow by 170%, from 84 to 228 million people. By 2025, these countries will be home to 76% of all persons with diabetes, as compared with 62% in 1995. In the same period, the developed world will see a 41% increase, from 51 to 72 million people.

Worldwide, a 122% rise is projected, from the total of 135 to 300 million.

[URL=]http://www.who.int/inf-pr-1998/en/pr98-63.html [/URL]


[URL=]http://www.wretch.cc/blog/drhungtw/8706541 [/URL]

2005年,中国人口13亿7百万,而糖尿病患者已达5000万,位居世界第二, 占总人口的3.83%,真正人数不止5000万,有很多病患没有接受检验。

[URL=]http://health.sohu.com/20061031/n246107637.shtml [/URL]

2 有近一半的糖尿病患者在发病多年后才被诊断出来

Frost Y Sulivan 在一项中国糖尿病诊断市场调查中指出, 2005年中国的糖尿病人口只有3000万人(这数据不准确),其中只有15%的患者受到检测诊断,而85%的患者并未得到检测。

Chinese Diabetes Diagnostics Markets

A report by Frost & Sulivan April 24, 2006

Market Overview

The Chinese diabetes diagnostics market is the second largest in Asia after Japan. The market witnessed a growth rate of 4.7 percent in 2005 over 2004 and is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.0 percent during the period 2005 to 2012. This is considered to be a high growth market with high market potential. The increasing incidence of diabetes and the resulting higher volumes of diagnostic tests are bound to support this strong growth.

In China, of the 30.0 million diabetes population, only 15 percent are diagnosed with diabetes. However, still the affected population of 25.5 million remain undiagnosed, reflecting the future long-term potential of this market. By 2012, it is estimated that 82.0 percent would remain undiagnosed of diabetes. It shows the steep increase in the incidence of the disease with the simultaneous increase in the diagnosis rate.

[URL=]http://www.asianhhm.com/Knowledge_bank/industryreports/market_dynamics.htm [/URL]


People with type 2 diabetes may have similar, but less obvious, symptoms.

Many have no symptoms and are only diagnosed after many years of onset.

As a consequence, almost half of all people with type 2 diabetes are not aware that they have this life-threatening condition.

[URL=]http://www.who.int/diabetes/en/DANbooklettext%20ENGLISH.pdf [/URL]



3 “地震糖尿病”是如何在短期内治愈的 ?

有一部分人是处于marginal diabetes“边缘糖尿病”,即血糖是处于5.5mmol/L 至 7mmol/L的边缘正常值, 而感冒、病毒感染、发热、上火(内热)等疾病,会使血糖大幅增加,感冒等疾病多能在短期内治愈,治好这类疾病,血糖也就恢复正常了,但这不是治好“糖尿病”。另一类是糖尿病患者,如果他的血糖值是10mmol/L,患病后升至13mmol/L, 病好后血糖值恢复至10mmol/L, 这也不是抗糖茶改善了他的糖尿病。





My second question is about fevers. Will a fever cause your blood sugar to rise? Right now I am running a fever of just under 100 degress and even though it is 7:30PM and I haven't eaten since noon, my blood sugar was 210! It hasn't been that high since I found out about my diabetes. I have been fighting a sinus infection, an ear infection and tonsilitis for about a week now. I've had a sore throat for the last 10 days. I went to the doctor and am on antibiotics, but tonight is the first time I have run a fever, so I'm not sure.

Thanks in advance for the info!

Here's what MINE says:

Short term illnesses (cold, flu, or virus) may cause the diabetic patient's blood sugar to go out of control. This can be avoided by following the guidelines listed below:



当您不适或受感染时,您的血糖常会升高。 这是因为您的身体在压力之下,而不是因为您吃了太多。


If you use insulin injections or diabetes pills, you need to know how to control your blood glucose when you can't eat.

Your blood glucose often goes up when you are ill or have an infection. This is because your body is under stress, not because you ate too much.



消渴 (西医病名:糖尿病)


消渴是因恣食肥甘,或情志过极、房事不节、热病之后等,郁热内蕴,气化失常,津液精微不能正常输布而下泄,阴虚燥热。以口渴多饮,多食而瘦,尿多 而甜为主要表现的脾系疾病。口渴引饮为上消;善食易饥为中消;’饮一溲一为下消,统称消渴(三消)。


[URL=]http://www.120sohu.net/gx/zyz/z543.htm [/URL]








【别 名】:苦骨(《纲目》)





4 Stress(压力)会引发糖尿病

个人觉得英文的Stress 涵盖的范围比较广,比如被老板责骂了是Stress,和女朋友吵架了是Stress,身体受伤了四Stress, 堵在车龙里也是Stress,这里的Stress(压力)会引发糖尿病,应以英文的理解为准。



Johns Hopkins(美国的Johns Hopkins 是国际威望很高的医学院、医院、大学的大规模组织)科学家发现糖尿病造成忧郁症,而相反的,忧郁也造成糖尿病。

Diabetes, depression linked

Having one makes other more likely

By David Kohn | Sun reporter June 18, 2008

For the first time in a single study, Johns Hopkins scientists have found that diabetes contributes to depression and vice versa, confirming long-held assumptions about the intertwined nature of two diseases that affect millions of Americans.

The research, published yesterday in the Journal of the American Medical Association, provides added proof that diabetes plays a role in depression and depression plays a role in diabetes. Previous studies have looked at only one aspect of the link.

For years, researchers had assumed that diabetes led to depression, said University of Michigan epidemiologist Briana Mezuk. The new research provides evidence. "That's what makes this study so great," said Mezuk, an expert on diabetes and depression.

Both ailments affect a significant number of people. Almost 21 million Americans - 7 percent of the population - have diabetes.

[URL=]http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/nation/bal-te.diabetes18jun18,0,6773367.story [/URL]

关键词(Tags): #糖尿病#医药#施海潮元宝推荐:橡树村,


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