
主题:[更新]四川的地震,CNN的恶毒 -- 雷声

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家园 这个不算恶毒,最恶毒的来自于《纽约时报》。

除了你后面补充的‘No Hope’ for Children Buried in Earthquake,后面还有更狠的:China Scales Back Torch Relay After Quake

建议读一读后面的读者评论。注意有人(Lau)在说被标题吸引了过来,却对内容很失望。原因是这篇文章的原始题目不是这样的,而是更耸人听闻的In China, Olympic Torch Protests Follow Quake---《地震后,中国有人抗议奥运火炬》。因为《纽约时报》后来换题目了!用英文Google搜一下“In China, Olympic Torch Protests Follow Quake”,你可以看到如下结果

In China, Olympic Torch Protests Follow Quake - The Lede ...

Reading, watching, discussing and blogging the day's local, national, and international news at The New York Times on the Web.

thelede.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/05/13/in-china-olympic-torch-protests-follow-quake/ - 13 hours ago - Similar pages

China Scales Back Torch Relay After Quake - The Lede - Breaking ...

Back in China, the torch is facing more protests from the country’s own ..... I think Olympic torch relay should become a special charity event for quake ...

thelede.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/05/13/in-china-olympic-torch-protests-follow-quake/?hp - 12 hours ago - Similar pages

More results from thelede.blogs.nytimes.com »


有了这篇文章做背景,最新一篇里面的很多混淆是非的地方就可以理解来龙去脉了A Rescue in China, Uncensored



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