
主题:【原创】戏说TG的西藏政策(一)Big and Evil -- 上山打老虎

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既然藏独可以利用欧美的价值体系来包装, 我们为什么不可以?欧美社会的所谓"政治正确"也是有高低大小之分。 低的小的"政治正确"服从于高的大"政治正确"。 找出欧美价值观念里"政治正确", 来为我所用, 撕破藏独的包装纸。 以子之矛,攻子之盾。 和白人为藏独吵架也不少。 说说我的体会。

譬如看见一个白人二大妈举个 Free Tibet 的大牌子。 假如我冲上去跟她说中国式的道理肯定是不行的。 一般这种白人心地并不坏, 他们有自己的一根筋, 就像当年红卫兵讲阶级斗争一样, 必须用毛主席语录去说服他们。 我总结的策略就是去扣她一个阶级斗争的大帽子。 让她自己去解释, 解释不清楚让她回家读书学习去。

第一顶阶级斗争大帽子: Ethnic Purification 附送小帽子:Segregation.

反种族清洗和反种族隔离是欧美最高阶的"政治正确"大帽子, 通吃一切藏独的口号。

情景:白人二大妈举着牌子高呼"Free Tibet"

fq同学气势汹汹冲上去,先扣她个帽子:Why do you support ethnic purification? Don't you understand what you are promoting is trying to remove tens of millions non-tibetan people from where their ancestors have lived for hundreds or even thousands of years? Don't you understand Tibet has been a melting pot for Tibetan, Mongolian, Han, Muslim and many many ancient ethnic groups for centuries, and you are trying to put them back into segregation? What are you thinking?

如果二大妈要解释, 耐心给她讲藏独就是要种族净化西藏藏族, 让她回家自己去看藏独的政治主张是什么。

第二顶阶级斗争大帽子:Sex slavery is not human right!

sex slave 是用来对掐藏独 Human Rights 这个口号的。 这个武器比serf 什么的好使。

二大妈跟你喊口号"human rights"

政府要剥夺Lama们的一些特权 (privilege), 譬如使用儿童性奴, 所以 有些 Lama 反对政府。对掐的切入点是"特权不是人权"。 You are fighting for Lama's privileges! Not human rights! Sex slavery is not human right! Killing serfdom for ritual purpose is not human right! Don't project your naive imagination onto Tibet. Grow up! Face the reality.

反正吵嘴的时候,口号比内容重要, 关键是要找个高点爬上去,向下攻击。

第三顶阶级斗争大帽子: Separation of religion and state.

政教分离是白人明白的道理。 原话是 separation of church and state. 但是喇嘛是庙宇,不是church。 这是用来对掐 democracy 的。

"Theocracy is not democratic.Do you really belive a government that consults every important issue to an oracle possessed by Mongolian war god is democratic? You are fighting for the exact opposite you are wishing for."



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