
主题:【原创】CNN的照片技巧 -- 坐看风起云涌时

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1、不总是有人说西藏是中国1949年“才”占领的吗,那就来点史料:1653年清朝皇帝确立了对西藏宗教领袖达赖和班禅的册封制度及其继承人灵童“转世”的金瓶。(Qing Emperor offically gave the title Dalai to the head of Gelug Schools of Buddhism in Tibet. Since then any reincarnation aka successor of Dalai has to be approved and confirmed by Chinese central government.)


2、藏独不是说西藏不是被中国领土、达赖被zf逼走的吗,达赖可一直在中国政府里任有公职滴:1953年达赖被推选为中华人民共和国佛教协会荣誉会长,1954年为人大代表(parliment member of PRC),直到59年出逃前都在中国政府管辖下的西藏自治区任职。

SO, if Tibet had been an independent country then, how came a "foreigner" like Dalai could be a parliment member of PRC?

3、要求恢复西藏从前在达赖众僧人政教合一统治(theocracy)下的“美好时光”?请看Friendly Feudalism: The Tibet Myth by Michael Parenti(记着,一定要给出文章的题目和作者的名字,因为youtube等网站不让发带网址链接的贴子).

没有比较就没有进步,请愤愤们看看TG统治下新西藏,题目就叫Tibet Diary - Episode 1~6 on youtube。



不爱多打字的同学,顺便喊两句啥的:Free Basque/Catalonie/Québec/Walse/Corsia,等等,正好和上藏独的口号。

5、有藉口免煮柿油而呼唤藏独的,不妨请看厚积薄发兄弟找到的纽约时报的文章:How China Got Religion By SLAVOJ ZIZEK

"...the problem with Tibetan Buddhism resides in an obvious fact that many Western enthusiasts conveniently forget: the traditional political structure of Tibet is theocracy, with the Dalai Lama at the center. He unites religious and secular power — so when we are talking about the reincarnation of the Dalai Lama, we are taking about choosing a head of state. It is strange to hear self-described democracy advocates who denounce Chinese persecution of followers of the Dalai Lama — a non-democratically elected leader if there ever was one. ”


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